Uploading images is quick and easy
First, make sure you are on the Upload Images tab in the top menu bar, you will then be prompted with a dialogue box where you can Drag and Drop your images to upload, or you can click on Browse Files and select all the images you would like to upload.

Now you will reach the upload settings page, where all the images you have selected will appear.

Customize the upload settings (choose your staging preferences)
By default, we assign the images to a new property with a temporary name. You can assign the images to an existing property or change the property name by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button (next to the property name in the top left section of the page).

You can also change the name of any of the images by clicking on ‘Edit’ button next to the image name (names can also be changed later on when your images have been uploaded and processed).

Our system automatically identifies every image as either 2D or 360, but if you notice an identification mistake, you can manually change an image type by clicking on the image type tag.

For images comprising existing furniture that you would like our AI to remove, simply toggle ON the ‘Remove items’ checkbox.

Review the upload cost and complete the process
The total cost for your images will be displayed in the top right section of your screen. By clicking on the ‘Total cost’ button, you will be able to review the full cost breakdown of your upload.

To complete your upload simply click on the ‘Upload’ button (in the bottom right section of the page) or on ‘Upload images’ in the cost breakdown window.

If you would like to restart/discard your upload settings, simply click on the small ‘X’ button in the top left corner of the page or navigate to any other page in the app (alternatively, you may also choose to save your upload progress and complete the process later on).

Next steps
Once all the images have been uploaded, they are sent for processing, which takes between 3-5 minutes per image. If it takes longer, please let us know in the chatbox in the bottom left corner (we reply right away!)

At this point, you can either upload more images or follow the progress of your processing images on the properties page.

That’s it! You’re all set. We’ll send you an email as soon as any of your images are ready to be designed. You can safely minimize or close the app window.