Group furniture together for easier control
If you place multiple pieces of furniture into the editor and want to move them together, you can do that now with Furniture Grouping.
Selecting multiple furniture
To select a couple of furniture items together, simply press “Shift” while clicking the furniture items.
You can now move and rotate multiple pieces of furniture together.

Grouping multiple selected furniture
If you want to save the selection made when you have multi-selected your furniture, you can click on "Group" in the left panel or press Ctrl+G; In MacOS: Cmd+G.
You are now able to save your multi-selection even if you deselect the group.
To disable the group, you can press the “Ungroup” button on the left panel or press Ctrl+Shift+G; For MacOS: Cmd+Shift+.

Changing the placement of furniture inside a group
To change the placement of furniture within a group, simply click one of the furniture items on the left panel and change the item settings.