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Editor Shortcuts

Navigate the editor like a pro. Decrease your editing time substantially.

Why use shortcuts?

Making a beautiful design is hard. We want to help you get what you are looking for faster, and learning shortcuts is always a great way to do so.

PC Shortcuts

Action 1
Action 2
Undo the last action
Ctrl + Z
Redo the last action
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Add furniture
Quickly drag furniture from the gallery to the image
Pressing and holding your left mouse button and dragging it into the image
Move furniture
Move the furniture in the image
Pressing and holding your left mouse button and dragging it
Select the furniture and use the arrow keys (◀️▶️ 🔼🔽)
Move furniture vertically
Move the furniture in the image on the vertical axis
Press the page up and page down keys on the PC.
Delete furniture
Remove the furniture from the image
Press the delete key
Press the backspace key
Scale furniture
Change the size of a specific piece of furniture in the image
Pressing and holding Shift while dragging the item left or right
Press + to resize up or - to resize down
Rotate furniture
Change the rotation of a piece of furniture
Pressing and holding Ctrl while dragging the item left or right
Pressing and holding your right mouse button or placing two fingers on your trackpad while dragging the item left or right
Multi-select furniture
Select multiple pieces of furniture so you can move them together
holding Shift + clicking on multiple pieces of furniture
Group furniture
Saving a multi-select so you can keep moving and rotating multiple pieces of furniture together
Selecting multiple items + pressing Ctrl + G
Ungroup furniture
Disabling a group so you can control each piece of furniture separately
selecting a furniture group + pressing Ctrl + Shift + G
Resize the image to get higher accuracy with your edit
Scroll up for zoom in and scroll down for zoom out

Mac Shortcuts

Action 1
Action 2
Undo the last action
Command + Z
Redo the last action
Command + Shift + Z
Add furniture
Quickly drag furniture from the gallery to the image
Pressing and holding your left mouse button and dragging it into the image
Move furniture
Move the furniture in the image
Pressing and holding your left mouse button and dragging it
Select the furniture and use the arrow keys (◀️▶️ 🔼🔽)
Move furniture vertically
Move the furniture in the image on the vertical axis
Press the fn + 🔼🔽 arrow keys
Delete furniture
Remove the furniture from the image
Press the backspace key
Scale furniture
Change the size of a specific piece of furniture in the image
Pressing and holding Shift while dragging the item left or right
Press + to resize up or - to resize down
Rotate furniture
Change the rotation of a piece of furniture
Pressing and holding Command while dragging the item left or right
Placing two fingers on your trackpad while dragging the item left or right
Multi-select furniture
Select multiple pieces of furniture so you can move them together
holding Shift + clicking on multiple pieces of furniture
Group furniture
Saving a multi-select so you can keep moving and rotating multiple pieces of furniture together
Selecting multiple items + pressing Command + G
Ungroup furniture
Disabling a group so you can control each piece of furniture separately
selecting a furniture group + pressing Command + Shift + G
Resize the image to get higher accuracy with your edit
Scroll up for zoom in and scroll down for zoom out
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